Demystifying Lice Reproduction: Determining Their Timeline

Demystifying Lice Reproduction: Determining Their Timeline

The louse is an ectoparasitic insect that establishes a disharmonious relationship with humans. Feeding on our blood, the louse triggers a disease called pediculosis. Three types of pediculosis are recognized: that of the head, that of the body, and that of the pubic region. Head pediculosis is a very common disease in school-aged children and stands out as the most well-known type of pediculosis; therefore, greater emphasis will be given to it in this text.

What is the louse?

The louse is a wingless (wingless) insect that feeds on blood and parasitizes humans. It can be found on the head, body, and pubic area. Head lice develop in this region and have the scientific name Pediculus humanus capitis. They are undoubtedly the best known. The body lice which can be cure by LiceDoctors for example are called Pediculus humanus corporis; its common name is “muquirana.” Finally, the louse in the pubic region is called Phthirus pubis and is popularly known as “boring.”

The Louse Is An Insect That Does Not Have Wings, Being Transmitted By Contact Or Personal Objects.

The louse is an insect that does not have wings, being transmitted by contact or personal objects.

Head Louse Life Cycle

The louse goes through three stages during development: egg, nymph, and adult. The eggs, known as nits, are laid by head lice close to the hair root region. These eggs have a glue that guarantees greater adherence to the threads. During her lifetime, a female louse can produce around 300 eggs.

The nymph appears after hatching about seven to 10 days after deposition. It develops and, after approximately 12 days, reaches the adult stage. The adult stage is more difficult to visualize since; generally, adult lice are few. They are most often found in the occipital and posterior auricular region, i.e., at the back of the head. Learn here how fast do lice lay eggs.

Louse Transmission

Head lice are transmitted through direct contact with a person who has them. In the case of head lice, you can acquire them, for example, by touching your head against someone else’s. In addition, lending objects for personal use can also guarantee transmission. For example, hairbrushes, hair clips, scarves, bandanas, helmets, hats, and caps can spread the disease.

Demystifying Lice Reproduction: Determining Their Timeline

Head pediculosis is common in school-aged children, as they tend to have close contact with peers, facilitating contagion. A curious fact is that some children do not feel the characteristic itching caused by head lice, which may further encourage spread. It is important to clarify that the transmission of head lice is unrelated to poor hygiene.

In the case of body lice, this can be transmitted by sharing clothes. Pubic pediculosis, in turn, can be acquired through sexual contact.

Symptoms Of Pediculosis

In pediculosis of the head, it is possible to easily observe the presence of parasite eggs close to the hair root.

In pediculosis of the head, it is possible to easily observe the presence of parasite eggs close to the hair root.


In corpus and pubic pediculosis, itching is also present. Small hemorrhagic lesions and papules can be observed on the trunk, abdomen, and buttocks of people with pediculosis of the body. In the case of pubic pediculosis, purple spots, and excoriations can be observed in the region. As with head pediculosis, pubic and body pediculosis can also be seen with secondary infections.

Jerome B. Shore