Causes, risks, and symptoms of lichen planus:

Causes, risks, and symptoms of lichen planus:

The immune system causes the skin rash known as lichen planus. Why this immunological reaction takes place is still unknown. Each instance is unique, and there might be a number of contributing elements. Allergens, stress, heredity, and viral infections are potential causes. Occasionally, autoimmune diseases coexist with lichen planus. Lichen planus is typically not a dangerous ailment, but if you suffer from lichen planus scalp might get affected. It is also not spreadable. Although uncommon, there are extremely severe and painful forms of the illness. You may learn more about lichen planus’s causes, hazards, and symptoms on this page:


When your body unknowingly attacks skin or mucous membrane cells, lichen planus results. Although there is no known cause, there is evidence that genes and environmental factors may be involved.

Genetics: According to research released in 2021, several factors suggest a genetic predisposition. It implies that you could be more prone to getting lichen planus due to your DNA. In particular, lichen planus can run in families and has been connected to specific immune system cells.

Viral infection: A viral infection can also cause lichen planus. Hepatitis C infection and chronic inflammatory skin diseases, including lichen planus, have been linked, according to a sizable 2021 study. Lichen planus can also be brought on by other viruses, such as certain herpes viruses.

Environmental factors: A few environmental factors, such as metal dental fillings and some drugs, may also cause the illness.

Who is at risk?

Lichen planus impacts about 1 in 100 persons at some moment. It is not transferable and is not carried on by an infection. Men and women both naturally develop lichen planus in their mid-years. Lichen planus of the skin affects both men and women equally, whereas oral lichen planus affects women twice as frequently. Very young or very old persons rarely get the condition.


The parts of your body affected by lichen planus will regulate the symptoms you experience. Common symptoms include:

Skin: Shiny red or purple pimples are the most typical signs. These solid pimples can be few or numerous and may itch somewhat or severely. Small white lines or scales could accompany the bumps. Although they can happen everywhere, they usually do on your wrists, arms, back, and ankles. Your shins and ankles may develop thick, scaly areas.

Scalp: Your scalp may become irritated and red and develop little pimples. It results in lichen planus scalp problems. In certain circumstances, patches of hair loss and hair thinning may develop.

Mouth: Lichen planus appears as lacy patches of tiny white spots inside your mouth. These scars could appear on your tongue or the inside of your cheeks. These may not produce more symptoms, but redness and sores can appear in more difficult situations.

Nails: You may develop lichen planus on some or all of your fingernails and toenails. Signs of the disorder include nail loss, cracking, ridges, and thinness.

Genitals: Lichen planus can induce painful, bright red patches in your genitals.

Final thoughts:

There is a cure for lichen planus in homeopathy. If you have any allergy issues, you can also take homeopathy treatment allergic rhinitis and get a permanent cure.

Jerome B. Shore