Hand Hygiene: Why, How & When?

Hand Hygiene: Why, How & When?

Hand hygiene is the act of washing your hands to remove germs. It is important to practice hand hygiene because it helps prevent the spread of infection, especially in countries where water and soap are not readily available. The best way to practice hand hygiene is by using soap and water, but there are also plenty of other ways that you can wash your hands effectively.

What is hand hygiene?

Hand hygiene is the process of cleaning hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. It’s a simple, effective way to reduce the spread of germs.

Hand washing has been shown to prevent many common illnesses like colds, flu and diarrhea. But did you know that it also helps protect against foodborne illness? Up to 80% of foodborne illnesses can be prevented by good personal hygiene practices including frequent handwashing.

So what does this mean for you? If you want your guests to enjoy their meal without getting sick afterwards then make sure they use the restroom before eating! Hand hygiene is important because it reduces cross contamination during food preparation as well as preventing transmission during dining experiences if someone touches something contaminated with pathogens (germs).

Why is hand hygiene important?

Hand hygiene is an important part of staying healthy. It helps prevent the spread of germs and can help prevent infection, especially if you have a cut or scrape on your hands.

Germs: Germs are tiny living things that travel through air, water and food. They’re found all around us–in our homes, schools and workplaces (even in hospitals!). If you don’t wash your hands after touching something contaminated with germs, those germs may get onto other things (like food) that people eat or drink later on. This could make someone sick if he’s already sick himself or if he has an immune system problem such as HIV/AIDS or cancer treatment side effects like chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (low white blood cell count).

Disease: When people don’t practice good hygiene habits like handwashing before eating meals together as a family unit at home; attending public events such as concerts where everyone sits close together on stadium seats without enough elbow room between rows; using shared towels while traveling abroad during summer vacations etcetera then they run risk getting infected by certain types diseases which could lead up until complication because most viruses cannot be cured yet today but only treated symptomatically instead so prevention really matters here!

How to practice hand hygiene?

You may be wondering how to practice hand hygiene. It’s simple:

  • Wash hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available. Also, you can use an efficient commercial soap dispenser, because germs can really stay on ordinary soap.
  • Use a paper towel to turn off the faucet after washing your hands. (This is important because it prevents germs from spreading.)
  • Use another paper towel to open the door on your way out of the bathroom–and don’t forget about those doorknobs!

When to practice hand hygiene?

Hand hygiene is important in the healthcare setting because it can prevent the spread of infection from one person to another. Handwashing should be done after:

  • touching a patient
  • touching anything that might have been contaminated by someone with an illness, such as an intravenous line or bedside table surface
  • using the toilet (it’s also a good idea to wash your hands before you use it)
  • sneezing or coughing into your hands, which could spread germs to other people around you. This can happen when someone touches their mouth or nose after they’ve coughed or sneezed, so it’s especially important to wash up if you’re around other people who are sick! You’ll want them feeling better soon!

Hand Hygiene, Why, How and When

Hand hygiene is the most important way to prevent the spread of germs. It’s simple, it’s effective and it can be done anywhere!

Hand hygiene is important in all areas of life, at work and at home. When you wash your hands with soap and warm water (or use an alcohol-based handrub) you get rid of dirt and germs that might cause illness or disease. This includes:

  • Washing your hands after using the toilet or changing baby nappies – this helps stop germs from spreading from person to person through contact with unwashed hands
  • Washing before preparing food – this prevents cross contamination between different foods by removing any harmful bacteria which may be present on raw meat/fish etc., which could then infect other ingredients such as vegetables.

Hand hygiene is a must in today’s world. It not only helps us stay healthy but also keeps us safe from diseases and infections. If you follow the tips mentioned above, then you can easily practice hand hygiene in your daily routine without any hassles.

Eula J. McLaughlin